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Honda Advice

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  • Honda Advice

    My honda is currently sitting at a garage in albany. I cannot afford the repairs. The distributor they said would be like 375 and they also mentioned something about the alternator but I didnt want to hear anymore. They also want the car out of the place asap. Im afraid they will charge me for leaving it there so long anyways but I didnt know where else to have AAA tow it. They said I can give them the car and just drop off the title and they would crush it...but really I dont think I want to GIVE it to them because isnt it worth Something to Someone. I would like to tow it back to my house but its like an hour from albany and I cant get anyone to do it. What can I do with this car??? I have to figure out something soon...please tell me if you have any suggestions.

  • #2
    If you have AAA plus membership, you can have it towed up to 100 miles at no charge, after that I believe it's around .20 a mile after that. That should at least get it back to your place.


    • #3
      Donate it to charity and take it off your taxes?
      Rob B 95Z A4 Tech Page (Part numbers / locations, how to's, schematics, DTC's...) Home Page -


      • #4
        sounds rough sry about ur situation but i would get it out of there asap like the others said they mostlikily will charge u for haveing it there and than i would take it apart and sell the parts on ebay >>>well thats what i would do lol ur luck will get better cheer up because its just metal dont let it make u sad


        • #5
          Put your foot down with AAA. Joe you are right about the 100 mile included towing, but I think you have to have the upgraded "AAA plus" policy. Like $33 extra a year.

          I'm sure if you give AAA a good enough sob story they will give.

          Good luck!

