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N*F*B: Bush is pulling the wrong strings with me

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  • N*F*B: Bush is pulling the wrong strings with me

    Headwater News

    Letter to the editor:

    Wolves are not terrrorists

    By Gary Wockner, member
    Colorado Wolf Working Group

    When I was last up in Yellowstone, I stood with my two young daughters overlooking the rendezvous site of the “Druid Pack” of wolves. We were privileged – honored even – to see this pack briefly chase two bull elk, and then after the pack’s unsuccessful chase, they returned to the rendezvous site and frolicked in the Lamar Valley in full view of my family.

    My children watched with wide eyes and open minds. The delicate dance of predator and prey is truly one of nature’s most astounding scenes.

    And now, as one of the 14 members of the Colorado Wolf Working Group, I am also privileged and honored to serve the Colorado Division of Wildlife by helping them write a sane and responsible management plan for wolves in Colorado. Our Working Group is making extraordinary, bi-partisan progress towards a plan of which I firmly believe all Coloradoans – Republicans and Democrats alike – will be proud.

    And so it is with a very heavy heart that I recently viewed a TV advertisement put out by President Bush which equates the Sept. 11th terrorist attacts against the U.S. with a presence of wolves across the American landscape. This ad – unveiled across the country on Friday, October 22 – can be seen on the President’s website ( ). Click on: “Wolves TV Ad.”

    As the ad begins, the scene is of a natural forest, but the music is ominous and the voice-over says we live in a “dangerous world.” A second later, we see a glimpse of a wolf in the forest. The ad continues with talk of the “terrorist attacks on America,” while continuing the ominous music and showing another glimpse of a wolf. And then the ad shows a full picture of a wolf pack sitting in the grass at the edge of a meadow.

    The voice-over says, “Weakness attracts those who are to do America harm,” and then the wolves stand and begin stalking towards the camera. The ad finishes with a picture of President Bush in which he says, “I’m George W. Bush, and I approve this message.”

    During these last days of the election, it is one thing for these candidates to attack each other, but it is quite another to turn this disgusting wrath against the benevolent natural world around us. This land and its wildlife support our American culture in every single way – they provide the food, shelter, recreational opportunities and awe that sustains us.

    I can only imagine what inspired this ad and I can only imagine what will come next: a Democratic ad showing Senator Kerry symbolically shooting a hawk out of the sky? or a Republican ad showing President Bush symbolically plucking doves off a high wire with a shotgun? How far down will this election reach?

    I know about wolves. I wrote my Ph.D. on wolves and I’ve spent a considerable number of years studying their role on the American landscape and culture. Wolves are natural. Wolves are one of God’s creatures. Wolves do what every inhabitant on this planet does – provide for themselves amidst the complex world in which we all live.

    I have a friend who was on the fifth floor of Tower One on Sept. 11th. He and some of the widows of his colleagues know exactly what terrorists look like. They do not look like wolves. Endangered wildlife are not our nation's enemy.

    I have not shown this advertisement to my children. And I won’t. I attempt, for the time being, to shield them from the uglier side of America. They still have wide eyes and an open mind about the world and all its inhabitants. I won't let them watch TV for the next week, for on TV dance predators and prey of a different sort.

    Gary Wockner ( is a writer and wildlife ecologist in Fort Collins, Colo.

    The Goldens: Reno and Rocky

    2008 C6, M6, LS3, Corsa Extreme C/B, (it flys) & 2008 Yukon loaded (Titanic), 03 Ford Focus..everydaydriver.

    Wolfdog Rescue Resources, Inc.:
    Home Page:
    sold: 97 Firehawk, 97 Comp T/A, 2005 GTO, 2008 Solstice GXP turbo.

  • #2
    Wolves are predators. So are terrorist. You can't deny either of these statements. They both prey on the week. The add is a metaphor. It does not show the wolves been denigrated. It shows them doing what they naturally do. I don't see showing wolves in their natural state as the same thing as showing someone shooting a wild animal. Now if they were shooting the wolves, I would have a problem with it. BTW my uncle looses cows from time to time to wild animals. He doesn't like it but it is part of what wild animals do to survive. He doesn't do anything to stop it from happening.
    2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

    1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

    A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"


    • #3
      Well, I support Bush 100 %, but I do see where you are coming from Wolfman. I had not realized that point of view until I read your post. I can understand how your fondness for wolves could make you feel the way that you do. Jeff was also right that the advertisement was designed as a metaphor. I am sure that the people who designed the ad don’t have the same fondness, and were working with the mentality of “The Wolves are at the Door”. I have heard this expression used quite a lot, and I am sure this is what they were thinking, and this is what I and most people think. That doesn’t make it alright though. I’m sure that if Bush were to know your point of view, that he would also understand where you are coming from. I doubt at this point, that he would pull the advertisement though, but I am sure that he probably has a fondness for certain animals and can relate. I have a fondness and respect for certain animals myself, and all animals for that matter, and this feeling gets stronger the older I get.
      Anyway, I just wanted you know that I understand where you are coming from. I don’t know who you had planned to vote for, but if it was Bush, please don’t let this advertisement sway your vote.

      Coming soon: A Firebird graphic opposite the Camaro graphic-


      • #4
        Originally posted by ONLNTM5
        Well, I support Bush 100 %, but I do see where you are coming from Wolfman. I had not realized that point of view until I read your post. I can understand how your fondness for wolves could make you feel the way that you do. Jeff was also right that the advertisement was designed as a metaphor. I am sure that the people who designed the add don’t have the same fondness, and were working with the mentality of “The Wolves are at the Door”. I have heard this expression used quite a lot, and I am sure this is what they were thinking, and this is what I and most people think. That doesn’t make it alright though. I’m sure that if Bush were to know your point of view, that he would also understand where you are coming from. I doubt at this point, that he would pull the advertisement though, but I am sure that he probably has a fondness for certain animals and can relate. I have a fondness and respect for certain animals myself, and all animals for that matter, and this feeling gets stronger the older I get.
        Anyway, I just wanted you know that I understand where you are coming from. I don’t know who you had planned to vote for, but if it was Bush, please don’t let this advertisement sway your vote.
        oh..dont get me wrong. .. im for him... i wouldnt let his wolf thing sway my vote.. that would be stupid... its just i dont approve of it.

        The Goldens: Reno and Rocky

        2008 C6, M6, LS3, Corsa Extreme C/B, (it flys) & 2008 Yukon loaded (Titanic), 03 Ford Focus..everydaydriver.

        Wolfdog Rescue Resources, Inc.:
        Home Page:
        sold: 97 Firehawk, 97 Comp T/A, 2005 GTO, 2008 Solstice GXP turbo.


        • #5
          I would put my money on the fact that bush probably never even seen that "ad". Even though it says "he approved this mesage" I don't think he ever even saw it. Just leaves it up to his "campaign manager", probably like that with most of the politcians' ads.
          2006 Saturn Ion Redline
          2003 Mits. Eclipse Spyder


          • #6
            I hear ya Ken. Not that great to compare the cycle of nature to irrational, evil, and crazy Islamic fundies. The add is for people who haven't decided (go figure ). If you haven't decidied yet i am afraid you aren't very good at deeply analyzing the issues. Therefore, you would probably only respond to some weakly contrived symbolism. I think it was made for simple minds Ken

            While I strongly support the re-election of Bush, he does not have anywhere near 100% of my support. His TOP priorites reflect mine and he has acted upon them the way I believe is the most effective.

            1. Hunt and destroy terrorists, and punish governments that harbor them. Make a transition from strength to weakness concerning the protection of our citizens. I feel that we responded VERY weakly to previous terrorists attacks in my lifetime (first WTC, Cole, Africa Embassys, Marine barracks, etc.).

            2. Put more of the citizens hard earned money back in their pocket. We are extremely over taxed. Anyone who supports additional tax increases is insane. I need a raise, not a government sponsered reduction in pay. The awesome side benefit is that our type of ecomony responds the best with stimulation from individual spending and small business growth.

            There are another half dozen lesser issues that I think W is at least on the right page.

            Too bad there is a whole list of things that he (and many politicians for that matter) are completely wrong about.

            - Everbody says we have a health care crisis. We have an INSURANCE crisis, not a medical crisis. If all the money the US spent on health care actually went to the healthcare system, instead of a being split with a 3rd party PROFITABLE red tape machine, our system would be much better off. Both parties are DEEPLY in the pockets of the insurance lobby.

            - War on drugs - failed! Do we get a refund? (I don't know why Conservatives understand that prohibition doesn't work for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Guns. But think it is a viable solution for drugs, prostitution, and womens' rights. If you outlaw something that is in high demand, you only create a powerful black market. Past experience seems to show that regulation works better that severe criminalization. Not perfect, nothing is.) don't read this as support for these behaviors, I believe in Personal Responsibilty, and I am perfectly capable of doing the responsible thing when it comes to vices or temptations. Don't need me an adult mommy and daddy to do right by my neighbors.

            - Stem cell research, get a clue GW

            - Hydrogen powered cars, hahahahaha. Very funny, take some time to find where Hydrogen comes from. It takes electricity to produce Hydrogen. Like electricity from Fossil Fuel burning plants mostly.

            - As long as the population grows and energy demands continue to increase, we can not avoid the utilization of nuclear power. And the quickest way to the ultimate solution (controlled fusion) is through heavy funding and research of current atomic sciences. I would never say GW is in the Saudis pocket, but he is also not running away from them by aggresively pursuing alternative power (not foo-foo sources like solar and wind). I'll say it straight out, the saudis arent' much better than their neighbors, just in love with our money = power. So they act out the minimum ally requirements to maintain the flow.

            - Social Security - one comment, glad I have a 401k

            - World wide welfare (Isreal, Egypt, Africa nations, etc.). Can this be compared to local welfare? Does our money keep the problem going eternally? Will any of these countries ever be self-sustaining? If not, why aren't they part of the US like P.R.? Why are they our primary responsibility? Are they grateful?

            Let's face it, politicians are always a lesser evil proposition. I prefer one party not to control the pres and the congress. These times call for unification of our nation, not division.

            W gets my vote for pres. I am voting libertarian on all other positions (CA candidates are lame).

            My $.02

            1994 Z28, 6 spd, LE2 Heads, GM 1.6 RR, .026" head gasket, SLP: CAI-Headers (CARB legal)-ypipe-2 on the left-lightweight flywheel-short throw, Random tech cat, CF dual friction, LT-4 KM.


            • #7
              Wolves are predators in order TO EAT, only.
              Terrorist are predators in order TO KILL FOR....???????? God, money, political name it.
              Wrong metaphor, bad applied, he needs a better philosopher o gramar counselor.
              Wowever, He's the better, or at least, not so wrong candidate.
              My foreigner 0.02 cents
              97 A4 Pontiac Firebird Trans am with $everal mod$


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sean 94z28
                - Everbody says we have a health care crisis. We have an INSURANCE crisis, not a medical crisis. If all the money the US spent on health care actually went to the healthcare system, instead of a being split with a 3rd party PROFITABLE red tape machine, our system would be much better off. Both parties are DEEPLY in the pockets of the insurance lobby.
                Boy that is a bulls eye. It really chaps me what is going in with healthcare. I am trying to steer my daughter away from healthcare. What a mess that is.
                Originally posted by Sean 94z28
                - War on drugs - failed! Do we get a refund? (I don't know why Conservatives understand that prohibition doesn't work for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Guns. But think it is a viable solution for drugs, prostitution, and womens' rights. If you outlaw something that is in high demand, you only create a powerful black market. Past experience seems to show that regulation works better that severe criminalization. Not perfect, nothing is.) don't read this as support for these behaviors, I believe in Personal Responsibilty, and I am perfectly capable of doing the responsible thing when it comes to vices or temptations. Don't need me an adult mommy and daddy to do right by my neighbors.
                Boy that is another bulls eye. Legalize it and tax the crap out of it like cigarettes. Add prostitution to that while you're at it. Imagine how much money the government could raise with that.
                Originally posted by Sean 94z28
                - Stem cell research, get a clue GW
                George Bush is the first president ever to authorize government spending for stem cell research. None have ever done that before. He just won't let the government pay for embryonic stem cell research. He is or has NOT banned embryonic or non embryonic stem cell research. (personally I don't have a problem with embryonic stem cell research. If you are going to allow abortions, you might as well get some use out of the aborted fetuses. Throwing them away seams like a double waste.)
                Originally posted by Sean 94z28
                - Hydrogen powered cars, hahahahaha. Very funny, take some time to find where Hydrogen comes from. It takes electricity to produce Hydrogen. Like electricity from Fossil Fuel burning plants mostly.
                Add coal burning plants in there that make 10 times more pollution than a new car. I don't get how this helps either.
                Originally posted by Sean 94z28
                - World wide welfare (Isreal, Egypt, Africa nations, etc.). Can this be compared to local welfare? Does our money keep the problem going eternally? Will any of these countries ever be self-sustaining? If not, why aren't they part of the US like P.R.? Why are they our primary responsibility? Are they grateful?
                Can we at least cut off the countries that did not support the coalition to remove Saddam. Jeez
                Originally posted by Sean 94z28
                Let's face it, politicians are always a lesser evil proposition. I prefer one party not to control the pres and the congress. These times call for unification of our nation, not division.

                W gets my vote for pres. I am voting libertarian on all other positions (CA candidates are lame).

                My $.02

                I'll give you a dollar. Well said.
                2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

                1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

                A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"

