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  • knock...?

    Hey guys I think I am getting knock on my bird. Its a loud clank and then it makes this humming noise for a while. It does it alot. Is there anyway to see if i am getting knock. thanks guys.
    -Lou -

    1997 30th Anniversary Firebird Formula

  • #2
    Knock or pinging sounds like rapidly shaking a couple pebbels in a muffled can and the car feels sluggish, detonation is more violent wih loud banging and jerks the car a little bit with a big loss of power. I don't think humming is a symptom. You shouldn't be getting knock if your knock sensor system is functional unless you got gas so bad it can't run on it.

    Anyway you can hook up a scanner and see if the timing is getting retarded and the knock counts are going up assuming it's all functional. Otherwise pull your plugs and do a read. You may need to install a clean plug in one of the cylinders to see what's going on. Also, bad plug wires can also cause misfires that can fool you too.

    What you describe sounds like something else though.

