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N*F*B: This is hilarious!

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  • N*F*B: This is hilarious!

    ***Disclaimer*** this is not intended to anger Democrats or liberals on the board... but surely you guys can all appreciate the humor in this... LOL


    Kerry supporters seek therapy in South Florida
    Boca Raton trauma specialist has treated 15 patients

    Published Tuesday, November 9, 2004
    by Sean Salai

    More than a dozen traumatized John Kerry supporters have sought and received therapy from a licensed Florida psychologist since their candidate lost to President Bush, the Boca Raton News learned Monday.
    Boca Raton trauma specialist Douglas Schooler said he has treated 15 clients and friends with “intense hypnotherapy” since the Democratic nominee conceded last Wednesday.
    “I had one friend tell me he’s never been so depressed and angry in his life,” Schooler said. “I observed patients threatening to leave the country or staring listlessly into space. They were emotionally paralyzed, shocked and devastated.”
    Schooler’s disclosure comes after the weekend discovery of a Kerry volunteer’s corpse at Ground Zero in New York City. Georgia resident Andrew Veal, 25, reportedly killed himself with a shotgun blast to the head due to Kerry’s loss and a girlfriend problem.
    Some mental health professionals in South Florida said Monday they have already developed a new category for the Kerry-related stress reactions. Because Palm Beach County voted heavily for Kerry, the therapists said, many residents hurt themselves by so anxiously expecting the Massachusetts senator to win – especially those who maintained unrealistic recount hopes after their candidate’s concession.
    “We’re calling it ‘post-election selection trauma’ and we’re working to develop a counseling program for it,” said Rob Gordon, the Boca-based executive director of the American Health Association. “It’s like post-traumatic stress syndrome, but it’s a short-term shock rather than a childhood trauma.”
    Gordon, the first American Red Cross psychotherapist sent to Ground Zero after the 9/11 terror attacks, said therapists’ main concern is to prevent the recurrence of Kerry-related suicides like the one in New York City.
    “There are definitely people depressed by John Kerry’s loss, and this can easily lead to suicides like the one we saw up in New York this weekend,” Gordon said. “Luckily, it can be treated if people seek help. We’re urging people to call us immediately if they feel depressed or know anyone who is seriously stressed out.”
    Also in Boca, at least one counseling center and an emotional support group were preparing for an influx of Kerry supporters at their first post-election meetings today.
    “We’ll let the Kerry voters talk about it and let off some steam, and by listening to other people’s stories, we’ll help them refocus and surrender to the things in their life which they can’t possibly change,” said a spokeswoman for Emotions Anonymous, a recovery group meeting tonight at Glades Presbyterian Church.
    “We’re referring people with election-related stress to the Democratic National Committee,” said Karen Jacobs of the Center for Group Counseling. “We’ll do what we can for anyone who shows up for our support group programs this week, but we haven’t implemented a specific program for Kerry-related trauma.”
    Schooler, practicing in Boca since 1984, said he treated his 15 patients last week with hypnosis-based rapid response trauma therapy. This week, he is charging a sliding fee to non-clients who feel they need the one-time “election therapy” session. South Floridians can contact him at 561-395-3033.
    “A lot of Kerry voters don’t know what to do with their anger, because there was no recount, so they’ve kept it bottled up,” said Schooler, who also is a certified sex therapist. “I help them transform the anger into more positive emotions.”
    Asked to describe symptoms of the post-election trauma, Schooler said, “They include feelings of extreme anger, despair, hopelessness, powerlessness, a failure to function behaviorally, a sense of disillusionment, of not wanting to vote anymore – that sort of thing. We’re talking about a deep, unhealthy personal suffering that can best be remedied by intensive short-term therapy.”
    Former Ride: 2002 Pontiac Trans Am WS6 - 345 rwhp, 360 rwtq... stock internally.

    Current Ride: 2006 Subaru Legacy GT Limited - spec.B #312 of 500

  • #2
    Woah. OK, I just noticed the part about the suicide. That's not so funny. The rest of it is though...
    Former Ride: 2002 Pontiac Trans Am WS6 - 345 rwhp, 360 rwtq... stock internally.

    Current Ride: 2006 Subaru Legacy GT Limited - spec.B #312 of 500


    • #3
      There was a gentleman who committed suicide at the WTC site a few days ago because he was angry/depressed Bush won the election. Ironically, I think he was from Florida too. He chose the WTC site as a protest... so they say. If nothing else, it just shows you how deeply people felt on both sides of this elcetion, and how this election and this administration has polarized the country. you either love it or hate, there isn't much middle ground.
      Dave M
      Life, liberty, and the pursuit of all who threaten it!


      • #4
        People who commit suicide are generally cowards, except for their one moment of selfish bravery. They have little regard for how their families and friends are going to feel and the emotional stress they will put them through. This same guy could have gone and committed suicide when those 3000 people got killed in the WTC, but instead, he comes apart from a public election. That is a perfect example of displaced priorities and personal selfishness on a grand scale.

        As for this new "Kerry Syndrome" the therapists discovered, it's a lot like the Hallmark company discovering Sweetest Day.

        On the lighter side, I wish Michael Moore would snuff himself, then we could make a documentary about it. We could dissect him and see what junk food he stuffed himself with on his last 10 or 12 meals and make fun of him for living most the 7 deadly sins - Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, & Sloth.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kevin - Blown 95 TA
          People who commit suicide are generally cowards, except for their one moment of selfish bravery. They have little regard for how their families and friends are going to feel and the emotional stress they will put them through. This same guy could have gone and committed suicide when those 3000 people got killed in the WTC, but instead, he comes apart from a public election. That is a perfect example of displaced priorities and personal selfishness on a grand scale.

          As for this new "Kerry Syndrome" the therapists discovered, it's a lot like the Hallmark company discovering Sweetest Day.

          On the lighter side, I wish Michael Moore would snuff himself, then we could make a documentary about it. We could dissect him and see what junk food he stuffed himself with on his last 10 or 12 meals and make fun of him for living most the 7 deadly sins - Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, & Sloth.
          agree 1,000% with this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          The Goldens: Reno and Rocky

          2008 C6, M6, LS3, Corsa Extreme C/B, (it flys) & 2008 Yukon loaded (Titanic), 03 Ford Focus..everydaydriver.

          Wolfdog Rescue Resources, Inc.:
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          sold: 97 Firehawk, 97 Comp T/A, 2005 GTO, 2008 Solstice GXP turbo.


          • #6
            I think if they ever were to dissect Michael Moore-on, I truly believe that they would find that 99% of that fat is actually backed up bile - in other words, they would probably find that he is literally full of **it

            Coming soon: A Firebird graphic opposite the Camaro graphic-


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kevin - Blown 95 TA
              People who commit suicide are generally cowards, except for their one moment of selfish bravery. They have little regard for how their families and friends are going to feel and the emotional stress they will put them through. This same guy could have gone and committed suicide when those 3000 people got killed in the WTC, but instead, he comes apart from a public election. That is a perfect example of displaced priorities and personal selfishness on a grand scale.

              As for this new "Kerry Syndrome" the therapists discovered, it's a lot like the Hallmark company discovering Sweetest Day.

              On the lighter side, I wish Michael Moore would snuff himself, then we could make a documentary about it. We could dissect him and see what junk food he stuffed himself with on his last 10 or 12 meals and make fun of him for living most the 7 deadly sins - Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, & Sloth.
              Couldn't have said it better myself.


              • #8
                I agree that suicide is an act of a coward, but I don't think you have any right to tell people what their priorities are. Everyone has their own. Afterall, the election isn't these people's priority, it's the future path of the country and world that this, and every election affects, that is their priority. Perhaps that Bush creates a country that people would rather kill themselves than live in says a lot.
                Dave M
                Life, liberty, and the pursuit of all who threaten it!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dave M
                  Perhaps that Bush creates a country that people would rather kill themselves than live in says a lot.
                  Oh come on! Let's be serious and rational here...
                  Former Ride: 2002 Pontiac Trans Am WS6 - 345 rwhp, 360 rwtq... stock internally.

                  Current Ride: 2006 Subaru Legacy GT Limited - spec.B #312 of 500


                  • #10
                    Suicide is serious. Obviously these people had other issues they were dealing with too, and probably some type of mental illness. It's a medical fact that most suicides have some type of mild mental illness. Having said that, it's also a fact that the Bush administration has completely divided this country. Just look at some of the Bush/Kerry and election threads that have been going on around here for the past months. I don't care how good a job a president has done, republican or democrat, a main goal should be to unite the nation, not divide it and drive people to suicide.
                    Dave M
                    Life, liberty, and the pursuit of all who threaten it!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dave M
                      Having said that, it's also a fact that the Bush administration has completely divided this country. Just look at some of the Bush/Kerry and election threads that have been going on around here for the past months. I don't care how good a job a president has done, republican or democrat, a main goal should be to unite the nation, not divide it and drive people to suicide.
                      It is completely false to say that Bush or his administration has divided this country. The media is responsible for doing that. If I remeber correctly it was shortly after 9/11 that good ole' George W. gave a warm heart-felt speech at ground zero. Homes throughout the nation were flying the American flag the next days to follow.

                      W's only mission has always been to protect the American people and to do the right thing for the American people and not for his political party. W is not looking to win some sort of worldwide popularity contest...he is merely making a decision that he feels is morally and soundly just and then he sticks to that decision. There is honor in that. I can't say the same for the democrats or liberals.


                      • #12
                        for all those people the feel that bush has divided the nation and drives people sucide in my opion have some type of mental illness there kinda like the last person picked for a team your not the best right now go pratice and come try again and sorry to all those i afend nothing persnol
                        1995 formula firebird
                        mods k&n fipk ,flowmaster catback, 52mm throttle body, crane hi-6 with lx92 coil,mad dog tranny with trans cooler


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dave M
                          a main goal should be to unite the nation, not divide it and drive people to suicide.
                          The mere thought that Bush drove anyone to suicide is utterly preposterous... and yet just another search for a scapegoat and easy way out.

                          Sheesh... what does it take for someone to actually take responsibility and take on the challenges that life presents? So you don't like the President... Boo-f@#$ing-hoo.
                          Former Ride: 2002 Pontiac Trans Am WS6 - 345 rwhp, 360 rwtq... stock internally.

                          Current Ride: 2006 Subaru Legacy GT Limited - spec.B #312 of 500


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by formula14.18
                            for all those people the feel that bush has divided the nation and drives people sucide in my opion have some type of mental illness there kinda like the last person picked for a team your not the best right now go pratice and come try again and sorry to all those i afend nothing persnol

                            I was always the last one picked at recess! I think I am going to go jump off the top of the swingset to make one last political statement before I go..........
                            Former Ride: 2002 Pontiac Trans Am WS6 - 345 rwhp, 360 rwtq... stock internally.

                            Current Ride: 2006 Subaru Legacy GT Limited - spec.B #312 of 500


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Dave M
                              Suicide is serious. Obviously these people had other issues they were dealing with too, and probably some type of mental illness. It's a medical fact that most suicides have some type of mild mental illness. Having said that, it's also a fact that the Bush administration has completely divided this country. Just look at some of the Bush/Kerry and election threads that have been going on around here for the past months. I don't care how good a job a president has done, republican or democrat, a main goal should be to unite the nation, not divide it and drive people to suicide.
                              In one breath you have just blamed mental illness for this guy's suicide, then turn around and blame it on Bush!?!? That is absolutely absurd. Let's be realistic here. This guy obviously did have some serious emotional problems before the whole Kerry/Bush thing started, made worse by the apparent break-up with his girlfriend. He killed himself, which is, as Kevin said, an incredibly cowardly and selfish thing to do. He did it in protest of a president being re-elected. Therefore, by saying that it was Bush's fault that this guy off'd himself, you are validating his whole reason for killing himself. So should we all kill ourselves if we don't get our way? Should we need psychiatric care if things don't go our way? Is this really the pathetic state that our society has gotten to? I was more than willing to say that I did not support Kerry, but that if he was elected, life would go on...the country wouldn't break apart and drift off into the ocean, just like it is not going to do with Bush being in office. Don't blame a man who has received a resounding re-election vote for the fact that he is still in office. Obviously people want him I guess if you want to blame someone for this hopeless soul killing himself, blame me...blame Kevin and Ken and Jay....blame all of us who voted for Bush, or even blame his ex-girlfriend, she did break up with him after all. But if you want to be realistic...blame the guy himself for not picking his head up, stopping feeling sorry for himself, getting whatever help he needed and to see how things turned out. "Driving people to commit suicide." Come on.

                              2000 Black Camaro w/3800 V6. Hotchkis STB, Whisper Lid, K&N, Flowmaster exhaust.

