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  • #16
    BTW did you know that because of Obama's associations he would be able to get a government security clearance? I work in that area and it is not just right wing people trying to spin that. We are going to have a president who doesn't have a security clearance.
    2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

    1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

    A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"


    • #17
      Originally posted by raroZ28
      All that McCain talks about is cutting taxes, Obama's associations, etc... Not to mention that catastrophic VP pick. If you REALLY think that it's in the best interest of our country to elect a 72 year old in below average health into office, with Sarah Palin in the bullpen, then I have to believe you're just a bias republican. What has he REALLY said he's going to do to improve our economy, end this war, create jobs, provide health care, and improve our education system?? The answer is nothing. The man's irrational and too damn old.

      I can see you 8 years ago having this same argument for George Bush. That turned out well.
      Thats a good point. I think we can all Agree that Palin is a total Joke. She has not clue what the hell she is doing. Shes to busy with her Lipstick jokes and humor. She is from a small hole in the world and not she thinks she is ready to help run the country? And McCain for picking her? Thats a Laugh out loud kinda thing there people.

      It cracks me up that the closer the elections get the more jabs the Republicas have been taking at the Dems (ie. Obama). For the most part McCain all he has been doing is in a lighter term, attack Obama and try to make him look bad. He should be trying to win people over with his Claims of helping the country.
      2000 M6 Trans Am


      • #18
        Here's a diversion for a moment.

        What if McCain had managed to get Rice as his VP?


        • #19
          Originally posted by ConElite
          He should be trying to win people over with his Claims of helping the country.
          So, by saying this, you actually believe that Obama is going to do everything he says? Show me any politician that has.....Keep drinking...

          What if McCain had managed to get Rice as his VP?
          I think that may have been a wiser choice but maybe he will have her as his national security advisor...
          Greg W. in West Michigan
          1992 Formula WS6-A/R Rims, Stock L05 swap, Former Abuse Victim
          1983 Z28-Parts car- *Sold*
          1984 Z28-305 HO Auto *Sold*
          1986 Camaro-V-6 5Spd *Sold*
          1984 Camaro-V-6 Auto *Sold*
          <Motor out


          • #20
            Originally posted by ConElite
            Thats a good point. I think we can all Agree that Palin is a total Joke.
            No we can't. If Palan doesn't know what she is doing neither does Obama. In fact Palan has more managerial experience than Obama. Obama has never been a manager over anything. Palan at least has experience being a governor and Mayor.
            2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

            1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

            A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"


            • #21
              Originally posted by Joe 1320
              Here's a diversion for a moment.

              What if McCain had managed to get Rice as his VP?
              Rice wouldn't do it and I don't blame her.
              2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

              1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

              A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"


              • #22
                Originally posted by ConElite
                It cracks me up that the closer the elections get the more jabs the Republicas have been taking at the Dems (ie. Obama). For the most part McCain all he has been doing is in a lighter term, attack Obama and try to make him look bad. He should be trying to win people over with his Claims of helping the country.
                Kind of like the way Gore was jabbing at Bush in 2000 about his time in the Air National Gaurd?
                2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

                1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

                A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"


                • #23
                  Obama's associations are fanatics who reside on the left side of the political spectrum. Those so ENCHANTED by Obama continue to understate these associations, but as the old saying goes, 'you are who you associate with.' Obama has little respect for this "Nation" and it heritage; Obama's wife is on record of not loving her country. Obama's books are not friendly toward white people. Obama sees no danger in bowing down to terrorist states and their dictators. Obama loves his cities and he is not only critical of rural America, but insults rural Americans. Obama does not believe in the right of gun ownership and does not believe at all in concealed carry laws. His views of gun ownership are oppressive at best, and totalitarian at worst. He believes the government knows what is best for you. Obama's views are Marxist and not individualistic or Lockean (which presents a real problem for those of us who know the difference and care about our individual freedom). He embraces theoretical dogma and battles reality. If you vote for Obama, this is the person you are accepting to lead your country (and YOU).

                  Our recession is comprised of two major forces:

                  1. Default of Consumer Debt: subprime lending? Obama and Dodd were wrong on this NOT Bush!

                  2. Energy Policy: We need to embrace reality not fantasy! Obama and the millions he received from environmental groups live on Fantasy Island. If we don't secure stable energy resources to sustain our infrastructure, we are done as a nation.

                  Obama's ideology is wrong

                  Obama's view on gun ownership is wrong

                  Obama's view on energy is wrong

                  Obama's view on private property is wrong

                  Obama's view on international relations is wrong

                  Obama's view on rural America is wrong

                  Obama's view on private/public land use is wrong

                  Obama's view on taxation is wrong

                  Obama's view on my individual rights and freedoms is wrong

                  Obama's view on the role of the Federal Government is DEFINITELY wrong

                  He is no more capable of leading this country then my dog! One thing is for sure, If Obama has a super majority in the Senate, we will have a much lower standard of living similar to the late 70s, that is if we are could be worse! I can't stand Hillary Clinton on many levels, but she was by far a better choice even if she is a murderer.

                  I say no to OBAMANATION
                  '77 K5 rock-crawler project
                  '79 T/A: WS6, 400 4sp, 40K miles; Completely stock and original
                  '87 Lifted 3/4 ton Suburban (Big Blue) plow truck
                  '94 Roadmaster Wagon (The Roadmonster) 200,000 miles and still going
                  '97 T/A: (SLP 1LE Suspension, SB, & sfc(s), Loudmouth); 4.10s; B&M Ripper; R/A Hood; ZR1s
                  My daily drivers: '06 Jeep Liberty CRD (wife); '01 Yukon Denali XL (me); '03 Stratus Coupe (me)

                  I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
                  Thomas Jefferson


                  • #24
                    Here's my $0.02.

                    The reason the Republicans have to resort to attacking Obama is because that's what gets the attention of the Obama supporters. Let's face it...the average Obama supporter is poorly educated, doesn't work, and is used to having the gov'ment take care of them. It's hard facts folks...not just my opinion.

                    Obama is going after those that believe his rhetoric. The well educated in this country see through his lies and pipe-dreams. If you tell them you're going to give them "free-stuff" you can buy their vote. They don't ask where the money is going to come from...they only hear free health care, free child care,

                    As an educated citizen, I know taxing more does not help the average citizen. Why? (again, I'm not going to be popular for saying this, but...) Have any of you met the "average citizen" Obama is talking about? Here's a shows like Jerry Springer, Cops, etc. That's only the tip of the iceberg.

                    This country is being supported by less than 20% of our population. It's guys/gals like you and me that are keeping this system afloat. We pay most of the taxes, vote for most of the politicians, raise the future generation of producers, etc. The bulk of this country have become pure consumers. They are looking for hand-outs, freebies, and other government sponsored support.

                    I have not forgotten my roots. Like many, my family came to this country 90 years ago with nothing!!! My Grandfather was 14 years old...he came over by himself and struck out to make something of himself. He didn't receive anything he didn't work for. He worked 60 hours per week, got married, and had three kids (you hear me? 3 kids...not 7, or 8,...3...why? because it's all he could support)

                    When Obama talks about "taking from the rich, and giving to the poor", do you know what form of government that is? It's called Socialism. We pride our selves on living in a Democracy (well, it's not a pure Democracy, but close enough), yet we are so willing to sign on to Socialistic doctrines. Yet, when I tell my so-called friends who are so "gung-ho" with Obama, they truly have no idea what I'm talking about. That' s the real shame.

                    And, who are these rich? The Liberal media would have you believing these are millionaires living in big houses with expensive cars. Well, guess what? You and I are the rich he's talking about. That's area like NJ, according to Obama, if you make more than $35,000 per year ($70,000 per household)'re rich. Well, I've got news for those fools! I make quit a bit more than that but struggle pay check to paycheck. Why? Taxes!!!

                    I currently pay over $50,000 per year in taxes. You heard me...$50K! My property/real estate taxes alone are $10,000. What kills me is if I can get extra work like overtime, I have to pay a higher percentage of it towards taxes. WHY???? According to Obama, I need to give it back to those less fortunate (ie. lazier than me) to help them along. WHY? Because I bust my butt, I need to support more? Are you kidding me? My kid's may not be able to go to college because I can't save enough to keep up with tuition hikes. And I'm not talking about an Ivy League school either. Rutgers tuition has increased from $4,500 per year to $11,000 since 1993. This is a state school people. Estimates say that in 10 years when my oldest is ready to go, tuition (not even room and board) will be at least $15,000 per year, per child. Room and board is estimated to be $10,000 per year. Why? The State is giving less and less to the school because more and more go to Federal taxes and social programs that I can't use.

                    Let's be realistic, McCain is not my first choice, but compared to this fruit Obama...he's at least realistic. The economy is suffering. You don't fix it by spending more (free programs cost money people. Nothing in life is free), taxing more, and adding more "social programs". You have to take a long hard look and realize, some people are exactly where they are because they won't lift themselves up out of the crap. This country was founded on freedom and the belief that hard work reaps the benefits of a better life. However, most of our society have become leeches. These are the people that like Obama...they see something coming for nothing and are asking for more.

                    And for those that say, "but what if Obama becomes the President. It's not like the President controls the country or anything.". These are the same fools that bash Bush for the current state of affairs. Which is it? Does the President "run everything" or "nothing"? I believe the real power is in the Congress/Senate/House. These people run the country. And guess what? The ruling party is the same party as Obama. You really want them to have a blank check to bolster their beliefs?

                    My state, NJ, is totally run by the Democrats. It has been for a very long time. All 6 of my Councilmen, my Mayor, my Freeholders, my Assemblyman, my Senators, and my Governor are Democrats. All of them! And guess what? We have the highest taxes (we have income tax AND sales tax), highest cost of living, are nearly bankrupt, have some of the worst schools, worst corruption, poorest roads and bridges, highest number of government workers (the State employs more people than all other business combined!), highest property taxes, etc. And guess who the idiots in my state blame? George W. Bush! That's right, it's not the fault of any of our elected people, it's the President's fault. C'mon dumb can you be?

                    Finally, let's stop saying "Palin is one heartbeat away from the President chair." Welll guess what? There's no guarantee she'll be President. However, if you vote for this junior Senator (who rarely takes a stand when he votes (Present????) and has just as much qualification, maybe less since at least Sarah has Executive branch experience), it's 100% certain he WILL be President.

                    Please people, stop looking at who speaks better and look at what each man is about. Look at who is even qualified. Look at who has a sense of what his decision's mean (can Obama understand what he's asking a soldier to sacrifice by sending him into war, or better yet, asking him to retreat???) Look at his economics and what has happened in the past when we grew government.

                    The fall of the Roman Empire may have been due to greed and the loss of control, but the fall of the American Empire will be due to ignorance. Giving everyone the right to vote, no matter how little they understand about what they are voting for...scary proposition. Is this what my ancestors died for? Preserving the voting right's of the leech, the lazy, and the ignorant?
                    Al 96 Ram Air T/A
                    Mods: Build # 784 * Hotchkis STB * SFCs * Borla cat back w/QTP cut-out * AS&M/RK Sports Mid-length headers w/single CAT * Koni SA shocks on lower perch w/ lowered rear * Strano Hollow front & rear antisway bars * 1LE front/rear springs * 1LE aluminum driveshaft * Strange 4.10 gears w/ Zexel Torsen diff. * ARP bearing cap studs & aluminum diff cover* J&M Hotpart poly/poly rear LCAs and poly/poly panhard bar * RAM Powergrip clutch w/ LT4 PP and RAM billet Al flywheel * C5 Z06 brakes * C6 Z06 wheels * Spohn T/A * Spohn DS Loop * fully custom interior w/ custom audio


                    • #25
                      WOW! And I thought I wrote some long one.
                      2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

                      1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

                      A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"


                      • #26
                        If logic, reason and facts have not convinced someone to vote against Obama by now, nothing will. People too often vote from an emotional base.
                        Wifey to Jeff in ATL


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Al 96 Ram Air T/A
                          Here's my $0.02.

                          The fall of the Roman Empire may have been due to greed and the loss of control, but the fall of the American Empire will be due to ignorance. Giving everyone the right to vote, no matter how little they understand about what they are voting for...scary proposition. Is this what my ancestors died for? Preserving the voting right's of the leech, the lazy, and the ignorant?
                          I agree. People who are on public assistance should not be qualified to is a conflict of interest. Additionally, a person should be required to pass a basic test on United States Government and History. Shoot, the other night my eleven year old didn't even know what happened in the Civil War nor was she able to make a link between Lincoln and the Civil War. That is completely screwed up! If a person doesn't understand the structure of the government, the separation of powers, and the basic themes of the Constitutional Convention debates, then he has no business casting a ballot.

                          This election is more about feelings and it is being conducted like an American Idol contest.
                          '77 K5 rock-crawler project
                          '79 T/A: WS6, 400 4sp, 40K miles; Completely stock and original
                          '87 Lifted 3/4 ton Suburban (Big Blue) plow truck
                          '94 Roadmaster Wagon (The Roadmonster) 200,000 miles and still going
                          '97 T/A: (SLP 1LE Suspension, SB, & sfc(s), Loudmouth); 4.10s; B&M Ripper; R/A Hood; ZR1s
                          My daily drivers: '06 Jeep Liberty CRD (wife); '01 Yukon Denali XL (me); '03 Stratus Coupe (me)

                          I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
                          Thomas Jefferson


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by markd79ta
                            I agree. People who are on public assistance should not be qualified to is a conflict of interest. Additionally, a person should be required to pass a basic test on United States Government and History. Shoot, the other night my eleven year old didn't even know what happened in the Civil War nor was she able to make a link between Lincoln and the Civil War. That is completely screwed up! If a person doesn't understand the structure of the government, the separation of powers, and the basic themes of the Constitutional Convention debates, then he has no business casting a ballot.

                            This election is more about feelings and it is being conducted like an American Idol contest.
                            There should be a license to vote just like to drive. There is no federal right to vote. Some states have in their constitution a right to vote in state and local elections but not for a federal election. States control the rights to voting with the exception of the federal law saying you cannot refuse someone's vote because of race or sex. You know we license people to fish but not to vote. Now which one is more important for the government. Why is there a fishing license in the first place.
                            2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

                            1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

                            A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jeff_in_Atl
                              There is no federal right to vote. Some states have in their constitution a right to vote in state and local elections but not for a federal election. States control the rights to voting with the exception of the federal law saying you cannot refuse someone's vote because of race or sex.
                              Um, you do realize that the US Constitution DOES guarantee the right to vote by stating what you posted above, right? If you don't understand this, I think you fall into that 'uneducated' voter group.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by 99Firebird3800
                                Um, you do realize that the US Constitution DOES guarantee the right to vote by stating what you posted above, right? If you don't understand this, I think you fall into that 'uneducated' voter group.
                                ohhh no. Read it again. the only thing the constitution says is
                                AMENDMENT XV
                                Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870.

                                Section 1.
                                The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude--


                                AMENDMENT XIX
                                Passed by Congress June 4, 1919. Ratified August 18, 1920.

                                The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.


                                AMENDMENT XXIV
                                Passed by Congress August 27, 1962. Ratified January 23, 1964.

                                Section 1.
                                The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay poll tax or other tax.


                                AMENDMENT XXVI
                                Passed by Congress March 23, 1971. Ratified July 1, 1971.

                                Note: Amendment 14, section 2, of the Constitution was modified by section 1 of the 26th amendment.

                                Section 1.
                                The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

                                That's it. There is no defacto right to vote. The only thing the constitution says is a vote can not be denied because of the above reasons. No where in the constitution does it say anyone has the right to vote. If you don't understand this, you fall into that 'uneducated' voter group. If there was a "right to vote" why are the democrats trying to get an ammendment to the constitution giving people the right to vote?
                                2002 Electron Blue Vette, 1SC, FE3/Z51, G92 3.15 gears, 308.9 RWHP 321.7 RWTQ (before any mods), SLP headers, Z06 exhaust, MSD Ignition Wires, AC Delco Iridium Spark Plugs, 160 t-stat, lots of ECM tuning

                                1995 Z28, many mods, SOLD

                                A proud member of the "F-Body Dirty Dozen"

