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  • #31

    2008 Sunburst Metallic HHR LT


    • #32
      does it really matter dj nobodies made a post anywhere else for 20 min


      • #33
        Originally posted by TrAnS Am 98
        the second i turn 18 im gonna have a job that pays 50g a month easy, choke on that one
        all handed down to me
        i love it, my bad to the moderators i had to say it they got on my nerves a bit
        Notice we're all agreeing. Except you. Tells you something, doesn't it?

        And 50g's a month HAHAHAHAHAHA that's hilarious man. Why are you messing with a WS6? Go up to the exotics. I mean, get your parents to buy you an exotic, and "save" more money.

        What am I choking on, again? I'm living my own life, not my father's. I actually grew up without a father, if that makes any difference. That's right, no daddy to buy things for me. I'm done making a fool out of you, but I have no doubts that you'll continue to embarass yourself. Have a nice day.
        Working on the 80 Camaro Z28 ..
        Now driving a '90 Talon TSi AWD Turbo...


        • #34
          ahem ok
          mortgage brokers make 5% of the equity in a home in new york state when a house is refinanced and a closing happens
          i dont do business unless the house is over 250000
          and on average i bring 5-6 closings to the table a month
          if all those closings are with equitys 250000 or more i make 12 grand a closing 5 or 6 times a month
          stick that where the sun dont shine and know your info b4 u make an assumption
          geez you must be american
          go fix something with a clotheshanger and some duct tape

          And that assumes people are wanting to deal with you. If your people skills are marginal, your income will not be what you expect as folks will do business elsewhere. With people skills like what you show, it's no wonder your dad had to hire you. Nobody else will keep you long with the contempt for everyone else that you show.- Admin


          • #35
            and make a fool out of me??? get your head out your a$$

            You're doing fine looking like that all by yourself. -Admin


            • #36
              Now you're gonna call me an "American" like its an insult?

              Where do you think your car came from bud? What language are you speaking? Where are you living? If you hate Americans so much, go back to your own country.

              I'm a hard-working, respected American. You're a whiny little brat.

              Show me $600,000 a year, and .. oh wait, I STILL won't care, because your DAD is doing it all for you. Have fun being a loser and leeching off of your parents' earnings. Maybe you should become an alcoholic, so when you quit your parents will shower you with gifts, eh?

              You've disrespected me several times, but now you're going to disrespect my COUNTRY ... oh hell no.
              Working on the 80 Camaro Z28 ..
              Now driving a '90 Talon TSi AWD Turbo...


              • #37
                Originally posted by TrAnS Am 98

                geez you must be american
                go fix something with a clotheshanger and some duct tape
                Oh sh#t!!! Do you know what you've just started?!

                2008 Sunburst Metallic HHR LT


                • #38
                  Originally posted by TrAnS Am 98
                  and make a fool out of me??? get your head out your a$$
                  Get your head out of your parents bank account. hahaha. classic.
                  Working on the 80 Camaro Z28 ..
                  Now driving a '90 Talon TSi AWD Turbo...


                  • #39
                    yea the job is the life my father wants me to have, not some american fool making an hourly wage
                    its all about commission
                    and the only thing americans are good at is making cars
                    watches beer laws cigarettes clothes food all pathetic, oh and especialy people
                    you know people born in this country are the most overweight, lazy, stupid people on this planet
                    only in this country will you see some fatso pull up to mcdonalds order a double cheeseburger large fries and a diet coke
                    sad..... tsk tsk

                    my parents actualy CARE about their child and want him to have nice things
                    i dont ask them to buy me a single thing i can go into my own bank account and purchase it
                    but they are so caring they do it all on their own


                    • #40
                      And only in this country will you see people ready to bash your face in because of your ignorance.

                      IF YOU DONT LIKE IT, LEAVE! WE'D ALL BE HAPPY!
                      Working on the 80 Camaro Z28 ..
                      Now driving a '90 Talon TSi AWD Turbo...


                      • #41
                        yea DJ i know exactly what i started haha


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by TrAnS Am 98

                          my parents actualy CARE about their child and want him to have nice things
                          Now you're gonna insult my parents. You're lucky this is the internet, because you'd be in a lot of trouble right now if you could say stuff like this to someone's face.

                          My parents care about me too. They want me to have nice things, and they're teaching me how I can get them for myself.

                          Working on the 80 Camaro Z28 ..
                          Now driving a '90 Talon TSi AWD Turbo...


                          • #43
                            well i technicaly didnt insult them u assumed that
                            and what are u gonna do threaten me online?? hmmm and im the ignorant one
                            lemme guess ur gonna come find me and rough me up huh
                            haha im 6'3 195
                            they build em big in russia hahaha
                            yea im russian
                            choke on it


                            • #44
                              I'm done, you're a waste of my time and energy. Have fun making up stories of 6-figures at the age of 18 hahaha..
                              Working on the 80 Camaro Z28 ..
                              Now driving a '90 Talon TSi AWD Turbo...


                              • #45
                                of course im making them up, go look it up americano
                                mortgage brokers salary is 5 percent of the equity in new york state
                                just cause i dont lift stuff for a living doesnt mean i dotn make money
                                we have guys in the office making 5 years of your hard earned money in a couple months
                                enjoy it dean
                                oh and its the year 2004 that 1980 car u got prob costs like 300 bucks bro so i dont really see what was soooo hard to earn about it

